Character Building Program Social and Emotional Wellness Packages

Character Building Program Social and Emotional Wellness Packages

Hero Intelligence Teacher Tammy Vallieres

  • BP7,000.00
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Product Description

  • 1 One hour zoom coaching call - Compass Card 4 Life
  • 1 PowerPoint Presentation to Teach others about Your Gifts, Vision, Mission, Purpose and Passions.
  • 1 Brilliant Box (Deep Dive Discovery Resource)
  • 1 Hero's Handbag (Tips and Tools for Success)
  • 1 Biography Story-You are the author of your life-Awaken Your Inner HERO
  • 1 Short Story - Fiction/Fantasy
  • 12 30 mins - Coaching Calls to Transformation (Truth-Trust-Transition-Transformation)
  • 12 VIRTUES or VALUES to Guide Your Hero's Journey-Mission and Vision to your North Star
  • 12 Hero Homework Activities
  • Plus Access to the Grow Your Hero On-line Course - DYI The foundation from A-F
  • Books Also Included:
    • Jeffrey Finds his Way (PDF version)
    • Awaken Your Inner Hero
    • Dreaming Big-Being Bold
The Hero Intelligence TRANSFORMATION Program is usually offered as a referral or recommendation for those students lost or seeking to find their way and why. Tammy provides the roadmap to success using her ultimate compass of life model from A-F. (Attitudes/Behaviours/Choices/Discover Your Diamonds/Emotions/Future). She empower's all children to take charge of their lives, helping them to understand how manage their powerful emotions, learn to self-regulate and become responsible little leaders by navigating their thoughts, feelings and actions. We know from years of research that learning is based on behaviours and habits, but most of all how our ATTITUDES shape our lives.  This transformation program will help shift your child’s attitudes, and perspectives so that they can blossom and grow into their Best Self!!
Tammy will connect with your child once a week for 12 weeks or work with you to create a schedule (that works best for everyone) to fully integrate all of the lessons.

The program goes through 4 stages: #TRUTH #TRUST #TRANSITION #TRANSFORMATION all four stages are necessary, as the skills, lessons, and behaviours are scaffolded, allowing past sessions to serve as the building blocks for future lessons, and allowing your child time to master and actualize each stage to benefit fully.  

If you are ready to see a massive CHANGE in your child and have a deep desire to help them to live their personal BEST and grow their inner hero, all you need to do is say YES!
About Tammy: I am a Transformational Teacher, Coach, Author, Mentor, Consultant and Speaker who unlocks the potential within leaders, teachers, parents, and students. I provide tips and tools to help individuals and groups align with their purpose, passion and geniuses. 22 Years Teaching Experience with the BHNCDSB, including: 


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